Motion Sickess

Motion sickness or simulator sickness is a symton that you have [[dizziness]] or [[headache]] when you watching movies, video games or playing [[video games]].

Why Video Games Make You Feel Sick

In short: Their brain knows they’re sitting still, but the sensory input they’re receiving from watching the screen is conflicting with that information and suggesting movement. The result is nausea, dizziness, headaches and other symptoms.

We like huge displays because they allow us to see pictures in more detail, but also because they make it easier for us to immerse ourselves into what we’re watching, be it a movie or a video game. But this is exactly why you should not use one if you suffer from gaming sickness.

Smaller screens are better: they won’t take up your entire field of vision, constantly reminding your brain that you’re actually in a room and the movement you see is only an image on a screen. “The room provides a stable visual reference that keeps the player grounded in the real world, which will reduce sensory conflicts,” says Weech.

If you already have a big flat-screen TV that is now making you nauseous, you don’t need to throw it away—sitting farther from it will have the same effect.

But don’t go too small and confine your gaming to your smartphone. Tiny screens require you to strain your eyes to make out fine details, so you’ll most likely end up with a headache, another common and annoying symptom of gaming sickness.

How to avoid or minimize motion sickness

  • Watch or play in a well-lit and well-ventilated room.

  • Sit farther back from the screen.

  • Take breaks and get fresh air or a glass of water.

  • Ease yourself into new games, staying active for only 5 minutes at first, then slowly increasing the time you play or watch.

  • Adjust game settings regarding field of view or sensitivity of movement.

  • Choose games that are in third-person perspective.

  • Try medications or other methods of relieving movement-caused nausea.

  • If all else fails, change the game






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