Client-side UI composition


You have applied the [[Microservice architecture]] pattern. Services are developed by business capability/subdomain-oriented teams that are also responsible for the user experience. Some UI screens/pages display data from multiple service. Consider, for example, an Amazon-style product detail page, which displays numerous data items including:

  • Basic information about the book such as title, author, price, etc.

  • Your purchase history for the book

  • Availability

  • Buying options

  • Other items that are frequently bought with this book

  • Other items bought by customers who bought this book

  • Customer reviews

  • Sellers ranking

  • … Each data item corresponds to a separate service and how it is displayed is, therefore, the responsibility of a different team.


How to implement a UI screen or page that displays data from multiple services?



Each team develops a client-side UI component, such an AngularJS directive, that implements the region of the page/screen for their service. A UI team is responsible implementing the page skeletons that build pages/screens by composing multiple, service-specific UI components.

The [[Server-side page fragment composition]] pattern is an alternative approach

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