[[Amazon Web Services]] (AWS) Lambda

How to Deploy AWS Lambda on AWS

  1. Create Lambda function:

    1. In Console, search for Lambda.

    2. In Lambda page, choose Create function.

    3. In next page:

      1. Function name: helloLambda, for example.

      2. Runtime: your language, for example: Go.

      3. Execution role: Create a new role from aws policy templates

      4. Role Name: helloLambda-executor - and choose Simple microservice permission

  2. Creat API:

    1. In Console search for API Gateway

    2. In section of REST Api, click Build button.

    3. In the next page, choose:

      1. Protocol: REST

      2. Create new API: New API

      3. API name: helloLambdaAPI

    4. After click Create API button, on the next screen:

      1. Click select box Action and select Create API option.

      2. Select:

        1. Integration type: Lambda Function

        2. Use Lambda Proxy integration: check

        3. Lambda Function: helloLambda

        4. Use Default Timeout: check

With [Go]

Demo project: https://github.com/ducminhgd/go-lambda

Simple steps:

  1. Make sure that you install the dependencies go get -v all.

  2. Build project GOOS=linux go build -o build/main cmd/main.go.

  3. Zip binary to upload to AWS zip -jrm build/main.zip build/main

  4. If you want to handle request and response in your code, then please make sure that the field Use Lambda Proxy integration in Integration Request checked.

Sample code

package main

import (


func HandleRequest(ctx context.Context, req events.APIGatewayProxyRequest) (*events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error) {
	name, found := req.QueryStringParameters["name"]
	if !found {
		name = "Anonymous"
	resp := events.APIGatewayProxyResponse{Headers: map[string]string{"Content-Type": "text/plain"}}
	resp.StatusCode = 200
	resp.Body = string(fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s! Welcome to AWS Lambda", name))
	return &resp, nil

func main() {

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