Caching strategies

Keywords: [[Cache]], [[Caching]]

Cache Aside

  1. If data exists in cache, application reads data from cache.

  2. If not

    1. Application reads data from database

    2. Application updates data to cache.

Read Through

  1. If data exists in cache, application read data from cache.

  2. If not

    1. Cache reads data from database

    2. Cache returns data to application

Write Through

  1. Application writes data to cache.

  2. Cache writes data to database immediately.

Write Back a.k.a Write Behind

  1. Application writes data to cache constantly.

  2. Cache writes data to database once in a while.

Write Around

With Cache Aside

  1. Application writes data to database.

  2. If data exists in cache, application reads data from cache.

  3. If not

    1. Application reads data from database

    2. Application updates data to cache.

With Read Through

  1. Application writes data to database only.

  2. If data exists in cache, application read data from cache.

  3. If not

    1. Cache reads data from database

    2. Cache returns data to application

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